Does Noodle Nation have offers and where can I find these?
We love giving value at Noodle Nation and regularly have offers available. If you join our Noodle Nation Love Club, we’ll e-mail our offers to you, so you can have your noodle fix for even less money. Check out our instagram page – this often shows the latest offers.
Student Discount – We know that it’s hard to survive on a student budget, so we also have a student discount. You’ll need to be over 18 years old and have your student I.D. to take advantage of this – How’s that for (fresher’s) fair.
Emergency Services Discount – All of our restaurants give 10% OFF FOOD to people who work in the Emergency or Armed Forces (RAF, Army, Navy, Police or NHS). To take advantage of this you will need to show an official form of I.D. It our simple way of saying thanks for everything you do.